New Site
Dear customers,
We have unveiled our new website! This website will be updated with more ideas and expert tips and will display our latest stock to help you build your dream home.
We are proud to announce that our website will soon display our bathroom-ware products and we also aim to post more frequent sales! So stay tuned!
You will notice that our new website will be more user friendly to make your shopping that little bit easier.
JUS tiles is committed to bringing our customers a bigger and better product selection at the best price. Customer service is the heart of our philosophy, and is what sets us from our competition. We pride ourselves on our customer service from advising our customers on selecting the right tile to measuring floor plans and calculating the meters needed. You can be assured that our knowledgable and friendly staff are here to help you every step of the way.
Our staff are still hard at work and identifying new ways of improving our business operation to better serve you. Some of these ideas include:
- Visual Design Centre- to help our customers better visualise their product in a set room
- Frequent Buyer Card - This card will be given to our frequent customers who will be allowed a fixed price discount when they sign up. The advantage is that its not just for a tradesman who owns an ABN, its for all those DYI lovers as well.
- Weekly Deals/ Promotions - we will be working on a series of weekly deals and promotions that will save our customers dollars.
- DYI Material - we will be designing a series of step-by-step brochures to inspire our DIY-enthusiasts and guide some customers through the tiling process etc.
- Free In-Store Consultation Service as mentioned previously
More will be announced soon. So browse our new site today and take advantage of our special offers.
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